I have my MBA in marketing and I still struggle with this, because when its your own business/writing its harder to see the trees for the forest. I struggle with who I am vs. who I think I should be in my writing, and I think that shows in my branding, so I especially appreciate the sentiment that you shouldn't have it figured until you deeply understand your audience (chicken, egg, egg, chicken struggle). Thank you for investing your time and energy into helping others.

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You’re welcome! That is one reason I think it is so helpful to study other successful ones bc they have already walked the path. It’s very hard to look at your own business with truth and eyes wide open. I have counseled tons of authors and they always have a blind spot in their business.

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Jul 27, 2023·edited Jul 27, 2023Liked by Russell Nohelty

I love your passion & positivity Russell! So much gold in here. I’m sure it’ll be in everyone’s “SAVE” file to come back & glean from when needed. ✨Thank you for the mention too! 🤍

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Thanks for releasing your templates right before I launched this one. It was very convenient

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This is one of the single most helpful pieces on this subject I’ve read so far. Reframing branding as “voice” is very helpful for me. Thank you. I’m saving this article and will be returning to it many times as I grow my publication.

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I'm still reading this -- have to do it at pit stops (not good to read while driving) -- but I wanted to tell you something fun, Russell.

This article makes me feel like I'm in my twenties again.

Oh, gosh, THANK YOU for that.

It's made me feel like all the learning, all the efforts and flops onto my face, were all 102% worth it. That I can now use all those itsy-bitsy golden nuggets I found while people screamed in my ear that none of this would ever work.

...oh, wait, they're still screaming. Huh.

Luckily I've gone deaf in that ear.

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That's amazing! I love that!

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Did you just write the first book on Substack?! I think you did Russel! SUCH brilliant insight and I adore how well researched and honest you are. 👏🏻

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I think when combined with a couple of the others about Substack it might be a book. I have a couple more thoughts, but I really might have a book there :) Thanks for reading!

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I've bookmarked this *again* because there's so much information here 🤣🤣 like it's an actual short book in itself. I feel like I need it in checklist format in order to be able to digest it all... Having said all that, I'm grateful for your research and dedication to the Substack cause. Thanks for your work!

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You’re welcome!

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There's a lot to digest. This looks like several re-reads and a lot of note taking.

The information on branding just might make my head hurt less when I think about that cringe-inducing subject.

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I hope so. I love branding bc it allows the right people to find me faster and fall in love with my publication deeper than before

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Lots of fantastic advice and observations! I found a lot of things that matched my experience with Substack and what I've learned along the way so far, as well as many "I wish I'd known to do that from the start!" tidbits. Much to meditate on here. Thank you!

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You’re welcome!

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Feb 26Liked by Russell Nohelty

Learning A LOT - THANK YOU!

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Youre welcome!

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Jan 10Liked by Russell Nohelty

A lot to take in-and I will. You had me at “I’m a graduate of the University of Maryland School of Journalism”. Me too! (1977)

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Yay!!!! M-A-R-Y-L-A-N-D! Marylaaaaaand will win.

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Thanks for these thorough insights. So helpful to a newbie on Substack. I feel validated in many of my intuitions.

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Couldn't hit the "save" button fast enough on this one. Literal treasure trove of information. I love the deep dives and mining of information. Time to serialize your new 'book' on Substack @russellnohelty?

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I basically already wrote a whole book in this guide. lol. It's 55,000 words at this point. https://theauthorstack.com/p/substack

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I remember it from when you first came on here, the huge tomes of information you provided to us newbies. (I started in February 2023, so your timing was ideal for this Substack newbie.) It may have been the first time I had to learn if there was a SAVE button! And here you are again. I need bitesize @RussellNohelty. Sometimes you make my brain explode with so much good info! Thanks (I think?! haha)🤯

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Wow thank you - I got so many good nuggets from this post! I especially loved where you talked about how you chose the title of your Substack, and how you were thinking ahead in terms of SEO and hashtags. I ended up changing my publication's name to @writerstack instead of @mallorystockwrites and am so happy I made the change. Thank you for all of this helpful advice!

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You’re welcome!

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This is a fantastic resource- both for people new to the platform, and those of us that have been here a while. In my case, it was a great reminder that it was time to punch up/update my About page, bio, and a few other things. Thank you for taking the time to invest in all of us!

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Yay! You’re welcome! Glad it was helpful :)

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Hi Russell, this is a very helpful collection of resources! Still digesting most of the material but I appreciate how this approaches this from the perspective of building a business (some of the work, anyway). Thanks for putting this together.

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Glad it helped!

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This is 100% true if you're running a small business, and it's very clear that it's 100% true here on Substack:

"When deciding on your value proposition, it’s important to understand not all buyers will resonate with your value proposition. That’s okay. Your job is not to attract all buyers. It’s to attract the right ones for your offer."

This part of the piece really resonated with me.

I also really took my time in building my brand (time was compressed because I was writing and publishing every day, but it also started years ago). I concur that the brand needs to be the last thing to slide into place, but only once a culture has been fully developed and a vision realized.

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I try to remember this every day. I'm not everyone's cup of tea, but some people really like Pu'er tea. Others only like it in the right mood, and that's okay. Pu'er doesn't care. It just keeps sitting there and waiting for someone to appreciate it.

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