Reading this has me really feeling like I'm right to decide to pull back on social media. It's become harder to connect with others now as everyone is shouting into the void but there's not much interaction. I suppose it's not a shock given how social media goes, but it still stings because I had made good friends in the early day and still talk to a bunch. I wonder what sort of friends I would have made if social media didn't change the way it always does.

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I have found it's not super healthy for me to think about what would have happened without venture capital. It is my belief that they were always bad platforms. They were just pretending they were better. This is what Facebook pitched investors. The rest of it was just a big lie.

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It's a hell of a long article but it's a deeply detailed one and I appreciate it. It may be that I cam to Substack just too late to enjoy it before its "Notes" renders it more of a new SM platform than the paying creative hub that has drawn much talent to it, I guess we shall see. But it still seems like a good place to kick that scrolling habit so pervasive on the familiar trio of big SM platforms. Thank you!

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You’re welcome! Glad you enjoyed it! There are several more articles like it in the archive you might like too

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Well, another excellent article- thanks, Russell. The dichotomy of social and media is so interesting. Thinking about it, it sums up the difference between my two substacks. Books That Made Us is all about community (social) and Cosmographia is more learning about a new place (media). I never realised this until now

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Lots to consider here. I appreciate the way that you approach things from the perspective of a creative trying to make a living.

I'm not 100% comfortable with the new follower function that's been added, mainly because it has no direct benefit to the creator. Maybe it gets more eyeballs... but the creator would have to devise and publish additional incentives to convert a follower further down the pipeline. Or so I assume. I believe that followers are unique to the Notes ecosystem, though.

Yet another reason to keep expanding into other ecosystems if you want to keep growing.

I appreciate your insights!

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Glad it resonates. I agree. The incentizes change considerably with the introduction and pushing of followers on people.

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Russell Nohelty

I quit all social media back in 2014. They got to be too distracting, irritating, and exhausting. I wrote about why, thought you might like to read it:


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Thanks for sharing. I agree with you, but it's important to note that there's always been a social component to the internet. Back all the way to IRC, AOL, and chat rooms/forums, there have always been little salons, but the social media at scale has been pretty toxic.

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Russell Nohelty

I think things like forums, chat rooms, even comment sections aren't really "social media." They're structured differently than places like Twitter and Facebook (and dare I say Notes), the never-ending, overwhelming, addictive stream.

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Yeah, I think that's right. There's always been a social component to the internet, but it was twisted by capitalism with Myspace, et al.

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