I love Naomi Novik so much! Spinning Silver was great.

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I am rereading schoolmance right now and it's incredible.

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Of these I only read the two Brandon Sanderson ones. I enjoyed all of his “secret projects,” but my favorite--of the secret projects and all books I read last year--is Yumi and the Nightmare Painter. Now that I’ve seen this list I need to add to my TBR pile (and learn how to read faster).

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That’s next once my new kindle arrives

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Jan 17Liked by Russell Nohelty

I’m saving this list...going to add a few to my TBR right away. Thanks, Russell! I was happy to see someone else enjoy Fairy Tale as much as I did. Many others didn’t feel as strongly about Charlie Reade’s tale, but man, I was captivated from start to finish. I loved it.

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Yaaas! Me tooo.

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I love the sound of many of these but The Gift is going straight on my get really soon list!

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Yaaas! I hope you love it!

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I’ll let you know! I loved Station Eleven too. That and Stone Blind are the only ones I’ve read from your list. But I’m adding the Stephen King to my reading pile now too. Loved loads of his earlier books but haven’t read anything new of his in many years.

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I will never not read a sympathetic Medusa book. Gorgons are one of the biggest driving forces of my favorite series I've ever written, and Stone Blind is the best one hands down in my opinion.

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Jan 17Liked by Russell Nohelty

My TBR thanks you.

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Jan 17Liked by Russell Nohelty

What do you think of Harry Turtledove?

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I like their work. I don't love their work, but I like what I read of them.

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Jan 17Liked by Russell Nohelty

OMG, Russel. You’re like my book twin, lol! I loved loved loved Ink Blood Sister Scribe & Tomorrow And Tomorrow And Tomorrow. And I have so many of these books on my TBR. I wasn’t sure about Atlas Six, I’ve seen quite a few really bad reviews, but you may just have convinced me to read it!

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I think you have to get through a few chapters before you get into it. It's all six perspectives that are POV characters so if you don't like the first couple, then it's a problem, but by about 20% I was down 100%. I did think Mount Char was a better version of Ninth House and Atlas Six.

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Sweet! I don’t mind taking the time to read the first few chapters of a book to decide if it’s for me. I think I’ll give it a whirl!

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Jan 17Liked by Russell Nohelty

I loved Yellowface. As someone who works in book publishing, I loved her insights on the shenanigans. R.F. Kuang was quite vocal during the strikes at HarperCollins. I still wonder if anyone at her publisher had objections to what she wrote in the book.

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It was so amazing. I loved it so much.

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I love a good list of favorite books. So many new books here for me since I tend to read different genres. Thank you!

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Jan 20Liked by Russell Nohelty

Naomi Novik! She’s in my personal pantheon, too. Have you done the Temeraire series yet, starting with Her Majesty’s Dragon? I had my doubts going in, but it has ended up becoming my very favorite of her series.

Also, sorry if you’ve already mentioned these elsewhere (I am pretty new to Substack) but if you need some cozy fantasy, Travis Baldree’s duology Legends & Lattes/Bookshops & Bonedust is fab. Just fab.

I can’t stop thinking about This Is How You Lose the Time War. So mind-bending and yet so heartwarming.

Thanks for this list. I see my taste is pretty similar to yours, in that I’ve read and loved a lot of these, so I just got like 15 ideas for my TBR from the ones I haven’t read. Cheers!!

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I have heard so many good things about how to lose the time war. Gonna put both that and the Novik series on my tbr

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Jan 20Liked by Russell Nohelty

Temeraire the dragon might just be my all-time favorite fantasy character.

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