I have bookmarked and saved this post because it deserves at the very least a second read-through to digest everything in it. Holy cow. Russell, I am humbled not only by your expertise in all things publishing but moreso in your generosity to your subscribers. What a gift for all of us.

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Yay! I’m glad it can be helpful :)

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such a massive, hand-holding insight into doing a campaign like this! gotta say.... it does terrify me, haha! i think what i'm scared off is everybody unsubscribing once they realise i'm sending them an email every day. do you have this problem at all?

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Yeah, I don't really care about that bit, but as I said in the article, most people just won't, as long as you're sending new information every day. I basically email you every day on this blog, but as far as I know you haven't unsubscribed. I would guess it's because either a) you like me so you put up with my nonsense b) you know it's coming from a good place c) you are entertained by it or d) you gain something from every email enough to put up with the nonsense of sending so much.

No, you can't email every day, unless you are entertaining about it and send new information. Then, you can do just about whatever you want.

Assuming you have another program like Convertkit, you can add a bit that says "If you want to stay on my list, but you don't want to hear about this launch, click here" and then make something like "NO X LAUNCH" tag, and then make sure to exclude those people, and then they won't get those emails.

I mean bookbub sends me daily emails, so does chirp, and I enjoy getting them. Once you start believing that YOU are somebody's favorite email, the rest kind of falls into place. If somebody doesn't feel that way, then I don't want them there anyway.


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Thank you, Russell. This is very generous and kind of you to share this!

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You’re welcome!

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My book is with a small press, but there is a lot here that I can work with. Thanks!

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Awesome. I agree. I was originally going to write this for a Kickstarter launch since we just launched a Kickstarter and, like, synergy, but I expanded it out b/c I know there's sooo much more you can do with any type of book launch.

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I’ve been thinking a lot about the colossal misstep I made with my book launch for The First 100. I’m taking copious notes on your post, however, what I feel is missing is the key difference between someone who has their email list on Substack vs anywhere else. What Substack lacks is the ability to have funnels or buckets. I wish we could control the “sections” our subscribers are in and thereby control if someone wants to receive this many emails. Right now the only way it works is to hammer home to subscribers how to opt-in or out on their own and hope that they do so. I have considered creating a section just for release emails that way people can opt in or out of that particular section, knowing that it will be dedicated to just selling you on buying my book. Then it puts the weight on my shoulders when I create the section of forcing my entire email list in or putting no one in and biting my nails to see if anyone followed my instruction to opt in only to find one or two ppl did and now my email sequence is going to just them…

You’ve given me a lot to digest and hopefully implement better for my second book…

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Such great information Russell. Wow, thank you so much. I’m curious how often you email your substack subscribers? Is it every time you post? How does that go for your subscribers?

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I email them almost daily at this point, and sometimes more than daily. I don't know what you are asking about how it goes for them. If they like it they will stay subscribed. Otherwise, they will make other choices. I have a weekly digest they can choose to do instead. Or they can unsubscribe. That is their choice and I don't think about it ever.

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Okay that’s great to know. Thank you 🙏🏼

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Great info. Thanks for your super comprehensive post. Lol, I'm one of those few readers who will unsub ... even if I like your normally like your newsletter ... if I get any kind of email sequence. I find them SO annoying. The only exception is if I know I am subbing to an email course, in which I expect to get daily emails.

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