Another Forest here ✋️. I'm still new to the concept but it resonates so much with me. I'm activelly working on even allowing myself to be my quirky self and that its okay for me to show this part of me! Work in progress ✨️.

I have a question for you Russell! Do you know of a good voice app I can use to record my weird thoughts I think will be great to write about when I have a moment? Somewhere I can pick up my voice recording on a laptop? I find during the day I have these awesome downloads of creativity I need to rememeber later!

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Most of my friends use dragon for dictation. I like chat gpt.

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I like this concept of arbitrage a lot. It means playing with inefficiencies in the market and making a profit from it. It didn't even cross my mind that the concept could be applied anywhere else than in finances and flipping products or real estate.


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Apr 3Liked by Russell Nohelty

As a Forest, I'm taking the rogue scholar concept and the pillars I write about to differentiate by being a eclectic nerd who cares about fitness and preparation along with theology, philosophy, and current events.

The free subscribers are rising and I'm not seeing the churn of unsubscribes that I did before.

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That’s amazing!

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Apr 3Liked by Russell Nohelty

I'm a grassland. But I need to focus more on output. I have already solid plans and ideas for both fiction and non-fiction, but the output is extremely slow.

Thanks for the articles and these archetypes. I enjoyed them a lot.

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Yay! I'm so excited for you. We have one more article launching tomorrow on our other substack, and then will be releasing a free ebook with all of our research up to this point, so hope that helps even more.

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Apr 3Liked by Russell Nohelty

Thanks a lot for your generosity.

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Wow, that is so awesome of you to do this! 😎

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